Wadsworth Youth Baseball Bylaws
Adopted December 2019
1.0 – Organization Information
1.1: Name. This organization shall be known as Wadsworth Youth Baseball, hereinafter referred to as WYB.
1.2: Purpose. The WYB is organized exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes set forth under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may be amended.
1.3: Objective. The objective of the WYB shall be as follows:
1.3.1 To ensure that all league personnel understand that the primary goals of WYB are the molding of future citizens, the retainment of players, and to provide a safe and enjoyable environment that allows players to develop while keeping winning of games secondary.
1.3.2 to teach the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens,
1.3.3 to implant firmly in the children of the community the fundamentals of baseball,
1.3.4 To identify and develop quality coaches, assistant coaches and volunteers,
1.4: Website. The official league website shall be www.wadsworthbaseball.com.
1.5 Income. The sources of income for the operation of WYB shall include contributions and/or donations; raffles; fundraising activities; sponsorship fees; registration fees and other activities as the Board deems appropriate. No part of the net earnings of the WYB shall inure to the benefit of any Director of WYB, officer of WYB, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for WYB affecting one or more of its purposes), and no Director or officer of WYB, or any private individual, shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of WYB.
1.6 Assets. All assets of WYB shall be used to promote the Objective (see 1.3).
1.7 Dissolution. If WYB dissolves, all WYB’s monies and non-facility equipment shall be distributed to the Wadsworth Local School District Athletic Department.
1.8 These By-Laws are the only By-Laws of WYB. Any other by-laws or constitution that may exist are hereby terminated and shall have no further effect.
2.0 Membership
2.1 Regular Member: Any participant that is eighteen (18) years of age or older, or parent or guardian of a participant may be considered a Regular Member upon payment of registration fees in at least one league season offered during the calendar year (identified as January 1 to December 31 of each year).
2.2 Supporting Member: Volunteers of the league including all Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Board Members, Officers of the Board and any other person who is recognized by the Board as a volunteer in WYB during the current calendar year.
2.3 Non-Resident Member. Any Member defined in section 2.1 or 2.2 who lives outside the territory defined in section 2.3.1.
2.3 Membership qualification / criteria
2.3.1 All Regular and Supporting members shall live or attend a school within the territory of WYB defined as being one of the following: the geographic area within the confines of the City of Wadsworth, Ohio; the geographic area within the confines of the Township of Wadsworth, Ohio; the geographic area within the 44281 ZIP Code; attending a school within the geographic area within the confines of the Wadsworth City School System.
2.3.2 Membership Cancellation Membership may be terminated by resignation or by action of the Board due to just cause. Just cause may be determined as acts or deeds which are considered contrary to the welfare of the WYB or its Members including, but not limited to, violations of with the rules or regulations enacted by the Board from time to time or any Local, State or Federal regulations imposed on such activity. The Board, by a two-thirds majority vote at any duly constituted meeting at which a quorum is present, shall have the authority to terminate any Member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interest of the WYB. The Member involved shall be informed of the general nature of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at a meeting to answer such charges. The deliberation and subsequent vote of the Board shall be conducted in a closed session.
3.0 Meetings:
3.1 The Annual Membership meeting will be held during the month of November for each calendar year.
3.2 The date, time and location for the Annual Membership meeting shall be publicly posted on the WYB website no less than 30 days prior to the Annual Membership meeting.
3.3 Regular Members, Support Members Non-Resident Members in good standing are eligible to attend the Annual Membership Meeting.
3.4 Regular Members and Support Members in good standing are eligible to vote at the Annual Membership Meeting.
3.5 At the Annual Meeting, the Members shall determine the number of Directors to be elected for the ensuing year and shall elect such number of Directors.
3.4.1 The minimum number of Directors to be elected is seven.
3.4.2 Regular and Support Members who have attended at least three meetings of the Board of Directors within the previous twelve months are eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors.
4.0 Board of Directors.
4.1 Authority: The management of the property and affairs of WYB shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
4.2 Increase in number. The maximum number of Directors is fixed at the Annual Meeting. If the number is increased, additional Directors may be elected by a majority vote at the meeting at which the increase is voted, or at any meeting of the Board of Directors, in which quorum is present.
4.3 Members of the Board of Directors should not be actively engaged in the promotion and/or operation of any other baseball/softball program.
4.4 Board Position may include, but is not limited to the following:
4.4.1 President. The President shall: conduct the affairs of the WYB and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors, preside over meetings, present a report of the condition of the WYB at the Annual Meeting, communicate to the Board of Directors such matters as deemed appropriate and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the WYB, be responsible for the conduct of the WYB in strict conformity to the objectives of the WYB, its policies, principles, and Rules and Regulations, designate in writing other officers, if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of WYB such contracts and leases they may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board of Directors, investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the WYB and report thereon to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee as circumstances warrant.
4.4.2 Vice President of Baseball Operations. The Vice President of Baseball Operations shall: perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided he or she is authorized by the President or Board of Directors so to act. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of the President, appoint a Commissioner for each division and delegate responsibilities to these Commissioners to ensure that each division is managed in a capable and efficient manner. Commissioners are subject to approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.
4.4.3 Secretary. The Secretary shall: be responsible for recording the formal activities of the Local League and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records, perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors, give notice of all meetings of the WYB, the Board of Directors and Committees, keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and cause them to be recorded in permanent manner.
4.4.4 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the Office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors, receive all moneys and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors, keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all moneys and securities of the WYB, including the Auxiliary, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors, prepare, in coordination with the President, an annual budget for submission to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting, prepare an annual financial report, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Membership and Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting.
4.4.5 Player Agent. The Player Agent shall: record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof through the WYB’s website, conduct the tryouts, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings in coordination with other member of the Board of Directors, prepare the Iron Man list of players available to move up and play at a higher level in a substitution role, coordinate player development clinics.
4.4.6 Safety Director. The Safety Director shall: be responsible to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for children and all participants of WYB, develop and implement a plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting, define a process to assure that incidents and medical and other data are recorded, perform background checks in compliance with WYB Background Check Policy.
4.4.7 Coaching Director. The Coaching Director shall: identification, training and retention of coaches and assistant coaches in the league, act as a liaison between coaches/managers and the Board of Directors, gain the support of the Board of Directors for funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program, order and distribute training materials to players, coaches and managers, coordinate clinics as necessary.
4.4.8 League Information Director. The league Information Director shall: set up and manage the league's official website, set up online registration, assign online administrative rights to other local volunteers, encourage creation of team' web sites to managers, coaches, and parents, ensure that league news and scores are updated online on a regular basis, collect, post, and distribute important information to members on league.
4.4.9 Sponsorship/Fundraising Director. The Sponsorship/Fundraising Director shall: recruit a committee of members as necessary, solicit and secure local sponsorships to support league operations, collect and review sponsorship and fundraising opportunities, organize and implement approved league fundraising activities, coordinates participation in fundraising activities, maintain record of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.
4.4.10 Scheduling Director. The Schedule Director shall: coordinate on the scheduling of fields for WYB activities, ensure schedules are posted and updated on the WYB website, work with Division Commissioners on the formulation of schedules.
4.4.11 Equipment Director recruit committee members to assist with duties as necessary, maintain and evaluate the condition of equipment, coordinate with coaches for the distribution and return of equipment, selection and ordering of uniforms after gaining approval by a majority of the Board of Directors, coordinate the distribution of uniforms to commissioners, coaches and/or players. maintain a list of inventory of all equipment.
4.4.12 Umpiring Director. The Umpiring Director shall: hiring and training of league umpires, manages the game scheduling of league umpires.
4.4.13 Tournament Director. The Tournament Director shall: oversee selection of tournament team and coaches, selection of tournaments to participate in with the approval of the Board of Directors, management of league sponsored tournaments, oversee any appointed committee members to assist in duties.
4.5 Executive Committee
3.5.1 The Board of Directors may appoint an Executive Committee which shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) Directors, one of whom shall be the President of WYB.
3.5.2 The Executive Committee shall advise with and assist the Officers of WYB in all matters concerning its interests and the management of its affairs, and shall have such other powers as may be delegated to it by the Board, but in no event will the Executive Committee have authority over the Board of Directors.
4.6 Board Meetings, Notice and Quorum.
4.6.1 Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately following the Annual Meeting and on such days thereafter as shall be determined by the Board.
4.6.2 The President or the Secretary may, whenever they deem it advisable, or the Secretary shall at the request in writing of three (3) Directors, issue a call for a Special Board Meeting. In the case of Special Board Meetings, such notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and no matters not so stated may be acted upon at the meeting.
4.6.3 Notice of each Board meeting shall be given by the Secretary personally, electronically or by email to each Director at least seven (7) day(s) before the time appointed for the meeting to the last recorded address of each Director.
4.6.4 Fifty percent plus one members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, no business shall be conducted.
4.6.5 Only members of the Board of Directors may make motions and vote at meetings of the Board of Directors.
4.6.6 The first 30 minutes of Board Meetings are open to all Members of WYB.
4.6.7 The Board of Directors may invite, admit and recognize non-member guests for presentations or comments during Board meetings.
4.6.8 Order of Business Introductions – acknowledge new members & guests Reading of the minutes Director Reports Old business New business Adjournment
4.7 Terms of Office for each Board position is one year.
4.8 Vote.
4.8.1 Each Director shall be entitled to cast one vote on all matters brought before the Board.
4.8.2 Voting can take place in person at a meeting where quorum is present.
4.8.3 Voting may take place electronically on minor issues, as determined by the President, provided the number of votes cast exceeds quorum.
4.9 Replacement of Director.
4.9.1 Whenever a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors, whether by death, resignation or removal of a Director, the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the regular term by appointment by a majority vote of the remaining Board of Directors at a Regular or Special Meeting of the Board of Directors. A majority vote of a quorum shall be affirmative to establish the appointment.
4.9.2 In the event the vacant position is the President, the Vice President shall immediately assume the role and responsibilities of the President on an interim basis. If the length of the remaining term of the President is 90 days or less, then the Vice President shall have the option to remain in the position of President until the next regularly scheduled election or move to appoint a new President under provision 4.9.1. If the length of the remaining term is greater than 90 days, then an appointment shall be made under the provision of section 4.9.1, within 45 days to appoint a new President to serve out the remaining term.
4.9.3 Any person appointed to fill a vacancy in the Board of Directors will hold office for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in office, subject to the power of removal stated in Section 5.16 below.
4.9.4 New Director. If, in the discretion of the Board as provided in Section 3.2 above, there is a need to appoint one or more additional Directors, any such new Director(s) will be appointed by a majority vote of the remaining Board of Directors at a Regular or Special Meeting of the Board of Directors. A majority vote of a quorum of the Board shall be affirmative to establish the appointment. Such new Director shall be empowered with the same rights, duties and responsibilities as any other Director (League or Non-League). A description of any special duties of a new Director(s) shall be reflected in an amendment to these By-Laws.
4.9.5 Removal. Any Director may be removed, with or without cause, by the following: seventy five percent of vote of the Board of Directors, excluding the Director subject to removal, at a Special Meeting, in which quorum is reached, called for that purpose. At any such meeting, any vacancy caused by the removal may be filled as provided above. unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, excluding the Director subject to removal, at a Special Meeting, called for that purpose.
4.10 Committees. The President may appoint a Special Committee consisting of at least three (3) Directors and other appointed Regular Members, Supporting Members or Non-Resident Members.
4.11 Conflicts of Interest. A Director must fully disclose and discuss with the Board any potential conflicts of interest or self-interest that may exist with such Director. Consideration will be given to whether or not the conflict is sufficiently fundamental to disqualify a candidate or removal for a Director position. If the conflict is not material, the Director may serve, but must refrain from voting on certain issues arising out of the potential conflict. Directors having any material conflict of interest on any particular matter must refrain from voting on matters related to the conflict.
5 Financial and Accounting
5.1 Authority. The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of WYB and it shall place all income including Auxiliary funds, in a common league treasury, directing the expenditure of funds in such manner as will give no individual or team an advantage over those in competition with such individual or team.
5.2 Contributions. The Board shall not permit the contribution of funds or property to individual teams but shall solicit funds for the common treasury of WYB, thereby to discourage favoritism among teams and to endeavor to equalize the benefits of the WYB.
5.3 Solicitations. The Board shall not permit the solicitation of funds in the name of WYB, unless all of the funds so raised be placed in the WYB treasury.
5.4 Disbursement of Funds. The Board shall not permit the disbursement of WYB funds for other than the conduct of WYB activities. All disbursements shall be made in a manner approved by the Board of Directors.
5.5 Compensation. No Director, Officer or Member of WYB shall receive, directly or indirectly any salary, compensation or emolument from WYB for services rendered as Director, Officer or Member.
5.6 Deposits. All moneys received, including Auxiliary Funds, shall be deposited to the credit of WYB in/at local federally insured financial institution.
5.7 Fiscal year. The fiscal year of WYB shall begin on January 1st and shall end on December 31st.
5.8 Expenditures. Any expenditure is required to comply as follows:
5.8.1 Expenses up to $100 can be made by any Board Member with approval by the Treasurer.
5.8.2 Expenses between $100 and $500 can be made with approval by the Treasurer and either the President or Vice President.
5.8.3 Any expenditure in excess of $500 requires approval by a quorum of the Board.
5.9 Budgets. Any Director, as deemed necessary by the Board, shall submit a budget to the WYB for expenditures necessary for their position.
5.9.1 Budgets shall be approved by two thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
6 Amendments to the Bylaws
6.1 All amendments to these By-Laws must be presented in writing and shall be read at two consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors, after which time the same shall be voted on by the Board.
6.2 It shall require a 2/3 vote by a quorum of the Board of Directors present and voting to amend these By-Laws.
7 Misc Admin
7.1 Liability. No official, Director, Officer, manager or coach (“Official”) of WYB will be held personally liable in a court of law for the actions or deeds of another Official. No Official will be held personally liable for the actions of WYB. Any Official acting on behalf of WYB does so as a volunteer to promote the goals of WYB and receives no monetary compensation or reward for doing so. Any lawsuits filed against any Official for actions of that official during his/her official capacity as an Official while acting reasonably and responsibly will be defended by WYB, at no cost to the Official.
7.2 Rules of Order. All meetings of the Board of Directors will be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, including revisions of those rules, and except as those rules are inconsistent with these By-Laws, with the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation, or with applicable law.
7.3 The Board shall be required to maintain an insurance policy covering all members of the Board of Directors.
8 League Rules
8.1 WYB shall institute League Rules on an annual basis.
8.2 League Rules should cover the following:
8.2.1 League calendar
8.2.2 Player eligibility
8.2.3 Conduct
8.2.4 Safety Plan
8.2.5 Divisional format
8.2.6 Registration
8.2.7 Teams
8.2.8 Scheduling
8.2.9 Generai Rules
8.2.10 Division specific rules
8.2.11 Tournaments (if applicable)
8.3 WYB League Rules shall be adopted by two thirds vote of the Board of Directors at a meeting in which quorum is present, to be held no later than December 31st of each calendar year.
8.4 WYB league rules shall expire at the end of each calendar year and are not considered part of these Bylaws.
8.5 WYB League Rules will provide a secondary guidance document for each division that will be used to resolve any disputes resulting from unclear or uncovered rules.
8.6 WYB League Rules may be amended during the year by a majority vote of a quorum of Directors.